That time my Sci-Fi novel became Reality: coping with the urge to give up my ‘unique premise’ because it is now a “trend”

Yup, the title pretty much sums it up - but for those interested, or even more plainly to simply release a bit of my own mental anguish; I will continue on here and describe my current realizations and struggles, as well as complain in general about my uncomfortable position. Thank you so very much if …

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Parenting Through the Apocalypse: Letting the veils fall away and seeing what remains

This has been one heck of a ride so far! It seems like a whole different world when you think back to the B.c. era - at least for those of us with eyes and hearts open, that is. As discussed previously, the term apocalypse has many different meanings but one of the most basic …

Continue reading Parenting Through the Apocalypse: Letting the veils fall away and seeing what remains

Reflections & Notes on Walter Russell’s morning prayer from the Divine Iliad

August marks the one year anniversary of my Sacred Sunday ritual. At that time, I was called to merge the traditional day of rest with the spiritual practices of energy alchemy* (light & shadow work) and dedicate myself, weekly, to a routine revolving around unconditional love, appreciation and being an instrument of peace. I knew …

Continue reading Reflections & Notes on Walter Russell’s morning prayer from the Divine Iliad

The Torus as a Tool: deconstructing the mainstream’s presentation to find deeper meaning

This blog is an extension of my Energetic Systems Series, which is an educational course of videos that are designed to teach about the basics of energy systems. I have put out quite a few already, so if you're new to my content please be sure to check out the links to further info. As …

Continue reading The Torus as a Tool: deconstructing the mainstream’s presentation to find deeper meaning